Book Carly as a speaker for your next event!

Informational and Inspirational

Carly is a dynamic and engaging public speaker who provides information and inspiration to a wide variety of audiences. With enthusiasm, warmth, and a great sense of humor, Carly distills scientific findings into straightforward, practical suggestions that your audience can directly implement in their lives to have better, more fulfilling marriages and relationships.

Approachable and refreshingly real, Carly brings concepts alive by sharing pertinent examples from both her clinical work as a therapist as well as her personal life. Carly will encourage, motivate and energize your audience and ultimately will make your next event both entertaining and educational.

Sample Workshop Topics

"Marriage after kids: 3 Key Tools for Parents"

In this presentation, Carly discusses practical tools and strategies to repair, protect and enrich marriage after the transition to parenthood. 

Busy schedules. Endless to-do lists. Sleep deprivation. So much responsibility. When parents finally make the time to go out on a date night together, it’s not uncommon for the conversation over dinner to stay focused on the logistics of the kids and family—schedules, behavior concerns, activities—or somehow the conversation turns into an argument. Either scenario can leave both partners feeling frustrated and defeated, wondering why they even bothered going out anyway. The strategies and tactics many new parents use to survive these early years of parenthood aren’t working well enough and they need some help. In this workshop, Carly outlines 3 important tools that will help parents re-prioritize their marriage and be the kind of parents they want to be.

"How to Talk about problems Without starting a fight"

In this presentation, Carly outlines a step-by-step model for how couples can effectively communicate about problems and find solutions—all while avoiding the fall into an unproductive argument. Participants will also learn tangible strategies to identify the root issues under the surface of an argument’s details as well as learn tips for how to effectively manage conflict and move toward understanding and resolution. 

In many cases, couples may begin talking about one topic and then find themselves in an argument--unaware of the real issues that all too often remain buried in the subtext. Couples frequently aren’t aware of the deeply entrenched feelings, unmet needs and desires under a heated argument about who will unload the dishwasher (hint: it's not really about the dishes!) and thus are never able to really resolve the core problem. 


"3 toxic relationship Patterns & How to avoid them"

In this presentation, participants will discover three of the most common, dysfunctional relationship patterns that couples may find themselves unwittingly falling into and will learn tools to change the pattern to a more healthy and satisfying way of being.

When our needs to feel cared for and understood are not being met, we often engage in misguided attempts to signal our distress to our partner. For example, one of the most common dysfunctional relationship patterns participants will learn about in this workshop is often referred to as the "Pursuer-Distancer" pattern, in which one partner (The Pursuer) relentlessly pursues time and attention from the other partner. Then, the other partner (The Distancer) increasingly pulls back and distances from the pursuing partner. The more that 'The Pursuer' reaches out, the more 'The Distancer' pulls back, which in turn influences 'The Pursuer' to reach out even more and 'The Distancer' to pull back even more until. . . Voilà! An entrenched, dysfunctional pattern occurs. 



In this presentation, Carly outlines 7 of the most common reasons why people cheat in relationships as well as offers a guide for how couples can rebuild trust after an affair and protect their marriage from any future infidelity from happening again. 

After an affair, most couples feel unsure about how and whether their marriage can be repaired. And even if both partners want to try to save the relationship, they have no idea where to start. Having a road map for how other couples have successfully navigated the process offers couples a road-map for rebuilding their own marriage. In her work with couples, Carly has found that uncovering the underlying reason for the affair is one of the key aspects in the healing process after infidelity. In this presentation, participants will learn how to identify the reason for an affair as well as how to use this information to rebuild the marriage and protect the marriage from future infidelity. 


"Dating After Abuse: How to Love and Trust Again"

In this presentation, participants will learn about some of the most common obstacles former victims of domestic violence face when entering new relationships as well as tangible techniques designed to heal emotional wounds and move forward to enjoy loving relationships. This is a great workshop for both survivors of past abuse as well as partners of former abuse victims.

Traumatic relationship experiences—such as being emotionally or physically abused by a partner—can cause enduring emotional wounds that infiltrate subsequent relationships. After escaping a toxic relationship, memories of past abuse and fear of being abused again often lead domestic violence survivors to feel fearful of trusting others and often even afraid to trust their own judgment. When in a new relationship, these residual emotional wounds can many times lead to relationship distress and even dysfunctional patterns of interaction that are often painful and difficult for both partners. 


"Addiction in the COuple: 5 keys to help your marriage REcover"

In this presentation, Carly describes some of the main challenges faced by couples where one or both partners are in recovery from addiction and walks the participants through a 5-part process to help their marriage recover from the effects of addiction.

Two people independently working on their own separate recoveries is not sufficient for a marriage to recover from addiction. Specific attention must be given to the healing of the marriage in addition to individual healing. When one or both partners battle addiction--either from alcohol, drugs, gambling, or any other destructive, compulsive behavior--not only does the individual who has the addiction suffer, but the partner also suffers, and the marriage suffers as well. Although undoubtedly the person struggling with the addiction needs to focus on individual treatment and recovery and the partner needs support as well, there is a third entity--the marriage--that needs healing too. 

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